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Office Organization: A Product of Writer’s Block

 Office Organization: Essential to Smooth Summer Operation


Writing a blog can be very difficult sometimes, especially when you are experiencing writer’s block. I’m not sure what other people do but when I seem to have hit a brick wall I tend to either clean or organize.  Today’s victim was the C’s office supply cabinet. The cabinet holds our essential supplies for the office such as pens, highlighters, post its, staples, paper clips, etc.

The best part of this process was me not even realizing that I had found a blog topic without realizing. Unfortunately I did not take a “before” picture of our office supply cabinet.

When I first went to the cabinet I was looking for a printer cord. While looking for the cord I decided to organize the cabinet. First step was to label all the business cards. Being able to find the right business card the instant you need it can be extremely important.

My favorite part of organizing is consolidating. Why? Because it frees up more space! (I love free space!) Two types of highlighters in half empty boxes? A highlighter is a highlighter. Get rid of the extra bulky box, it isn’t needed! The same mindset applies to envelopes, why have two boxes? Maybe, purging is my favorite part and consolidating is just a sub-category.

Being that C’s is a growing green house cleaning company in the Hamptons we are constantly looking for new employees, having easy access to employment handbook is not only a plus but a necessity in office organization. We are currently hiring employees (hint, hint). If you are looking for employment head on over to our jobs page to fill out an application.

When organizing think about what you NEED to have easily accessible. What would make your life easier? Do you really need that item that is collecting dust? Time spent looking for something is time spent wasted! Time is very valuable in any industry, make the most of it!

Office Organization East Hampton house cleaning

Take a look at the finished product of my office organization brought on by a writer’s block! Inspiration for organization can be found in many different forms.

What part of your life could benefit from a little organization?

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