Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon for healthy household cleaning

Old School Cleaning Tips for your Summer Home

It’s time for some real Summertime fun with “old school” cleaning tips!

During the Summer you wear less and go out more. What this means for your home is that you’ll be bringing the outdoors in and you’ll have a lot more cleaning to do. For Long Island homeowners, you know you have your work cut out for you since we all LOVE going to the beach or taking to local parks and trails. With all the beach parties and outdoor activities, your home is going to need a lot more love and attention so why not listen to Grandma and her “old school” tips on how to clean using household products.

Bleach and other toxic industrial cleaning agents that “smell good” or “smell clean” are a BIG NO-NO for you and your loved ones. The toxins in the air, on your furniture and floors, are deadly. Have you ever read a bottle of bleach, it states it is harmful to children and pets?

But what if I told you there is a better way? An “Old School” way! Well then, let’s get to it. In this post, we will be discussing different household combinations that can make cleaning your home this summer not only fun but environmentally safe.

Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap

Eek, so last night’s crab and fest turned into a big mess all over your favorite shirt. Although regular detergent may seem a little too mild, this simple combo is all you need to restore your clothing. Get

  1. half a cup of baking soda
  2. half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide
  3. a teaspoon of dish soap. Mix all the parts together and apply the mixture to the stain using a damp cloth. Scrub the stain lightly, rinse off the clothing and toss it in the washer. It will be as good as new!

Lemon and baking soda

We have all had moments where we forgot to use saucers before placing our mugs on countertops. Now you are left with unsightly rings and regular dish soap is not working the magic. With the simple combination of lemon and baking soda, all of that can become ancient history. Simply cut a lemon in half, dip it in baking soda and rub it over the stain. When you have done this, wipe the countertop with a damp cloth and the stain will be gone.

Vinegar and flaxseed oil

Do you have leather furniture that has started to lose their shine? Mix one part of vinegar with two parts of flaxseed oil and thoroughly rub it into the leather. Leave the mixture overnight and lightly buff with a clean cloth in the morning.

Vinegar and baking soda

Okay at this point we can all agree that baking soda the Holy Grail of household cleaning. If your kitchen sink has started to look a little worn down, this combination is all you need to revive it. Start the process by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain. This will help loosen oily particles and soften tough stains. Next, cover the drain with a plug, add half a cup of baking soda to the sink and let it sit for a few minutes. Mix equal parts of vinegar and boiling water and pour it on top the baking soda. After about ten minutes, drain the sink and pour a final pot of boiling water down the drain for a clean and shiny finish.

Hydrogen peroxide

The last thing you want on your bathroom tiles is mold. Not only is it unsanitary, but it is also unpleasing to look at. To stop the growth of mold, mix one part of 3% hydrogen peroxide and two parts of water and store it in a spray bottle. Simply spray the mixture over the affected areas and leave it overnight. Rinse it out the next morning and voila! Your bathroom is mold-free.

These are just a few easy home tips for your home. If you try and, please share with us on our social media pages. For those major cleaning sessions for your Hampton home, we can help just contact us for an estimate using this link  or call us at (631) 725-2408 for more information on keeping your Hampton, NY home or office clean!

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