shoe collection oganization

Control your Shoe Collection

How your family’s tidy shoe collection means a cleaner home

If you are looking for the best ways in which you can keep your house clean, you often begin looking in minuscule detail at all the different locations around the house which might be considered messy. For those with large families, one of the prime spots for clutter is the place where the collection of shoes is kept. While it may not be in the same place in every home, there is typically one area in which a large number of shoes will congregate before they are to be worn out. Some might have a shoe rack, some might have a set of shelves, but this area is often a prime example of something which can be addressed during home cleaning services in order to clean up any home and is one of the best ways in which cleaners can improve the tidiness of their home.

shoe collection organization

One of the biggest reasons as to why this shoe clutter quickly becomes a problem is because of the location. Because many people need to shoes to be easily accessible before they leave the house and want to remove their shoes just after they come in, the typical dumping ground for shoes and footwear is usually near the main entrance to the home. This means that any guests who arrive will immediately see the untidy section of your home. However, the usefulness of the location means that you can avoid high carpet cleaning bills because at least you know that there are not dirty footprints being traipsed through the home. An alternative solution might be to place the shoe depository out of sight, and encourage those who wish to take their shoes off to carry their footwear from the front door to the place where the shoes are kept.

The use of a shoe rack can often be a way in which shoes can be organized in a tidy manner around the home, but it can also take up a great deal of space. For some then, the question remains of how to hide away the shoes while still employing the usefulness of a shoe rack and still maintaining the amount of space in the home. A good solution to this is to use the bottom area of a storage cupboard. If you have built-in shelving in a utility room or hallway, placing a shoe rack at the bottom can keep the shoes out of sight and out of mind. However, this can often lead to those wet and sweaty shoes not drying properly and this can lead on to one of the biggest problems which comes from keeping shoes in the home in large collections:

The Smell

For those who are part of a large family, the build-up of shoes might be huge and there is no guarantee that they are always clean when they are placed into the storage area. This can lead to an odor developing over time and can be one of the keep aspects of any house cleaning solution. When it comes to getting rid of the smell, there are a few methods.

1. You can put the shoes away, as previously mentioned, in the cupboard. This will at least stop the smell entering the home though is probably not advisable in the long run.

2. You can make sure that each shoe is placed back properly clean and properly dried. This is ideal, though any parent will tell you that this can be tough to keep on top of at all times.

3. The other method is a combination of the above. Use a shoe rack in order to store the shoes properly, but combine this with regular cleaning and an odor reducing product. This allows you the maximum amount of space while reducing the potential smell issues.

shoe collection oganization

You can always hire a professional carpet cleaning service to clean up after your shoes! Get a quote today!

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