Stop Spreading Germs

How To Avoid Spreading Germs

To avoid getting sick you need to stop the spreading germs in their tracks.

Is it me or is EVERYONE sick lately?

This means you need to pay special attention to what your hands touch. (And who has touched them before you) If at all possible try to stay away from people who present with flu or cold symptoms to avoid catching their illness.  Besides placing yourself inside a plastic bubble for the rest of your life there is little you can do to avoid ever getting sick. However, with these tips you can avoid spreading germs throughout your house and hopefully prevent you from getting sick as well!

You need to invest in alcohol wipes, they are the best invention…EVER.

1. Knobs – ANYTHING that is touched by a person who is ill should be disinfected with an alcohol wipe. By disinfecting these items you are not only saving yourself but anyone else who would touch it. You stop the spreading of the germs before they even start!

2. Cell Phones – How often do you disinfect your cell phone? If you are like the majority of the population, your answer will be rarely or never. Do you know how many germs your cell phone has? I will give you a hint it’s more than a toilet seat. An alcohol wipe would easily take care of your germ infested cell phone and help keep you healthy!

3. Desks – More specifically your keyboard and mouse. You probably don’t think about having to disinfect your keyboard and mouse very often. Until you remember the co-worker next to you was sick the other day, what germs could she have spread to your office space? Keyboards and the area around your mouse contain more germs than a toilet seat on average. (Like I said, stocking up on alcohol wipes is a great idea)


4. Refrigerator – Your children spend all day surrounded by children. Not every parent will keep their child home in the case of sniffles, not realizing their child may get others sick.  The trouble with some illnesses is that although some children may not get sick they can still carry it home and get their entire family sick. What does your child do first thing when they get home? They want a snack! Keep those alcohol wipes handy near your fridge before you find yourself sick!

5. What is the easiest way to prevent getting sick? Wash your hands frequently. There is a common misconception of washing your hands; people think that getting them wet and rubbing soap for a few seconds will do the trick. FALSE. You need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and be sure to get under your nails for the soap to properly clean your hands.

If you don’t want to disinfect your house regularly, give us a call or visit our website to get a free in-home estimate

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