Green House Cleaning Service

Don’t Use Harsh Cleaning Chemicals

Cleaning Chemicals Don’t Have to Endanger Your Family…

We no longer live in the stone age, you don’t need to breathe in harsh cleaning chemicals to get your home sparkling. Green Seal cleaning products clean your home better than other harsh cleaning products. (They also smell better too!!) You can clean your home safely.

C’s Home & Office Management left behind harsh “cleaning chemicals” in favor for our Green Seal “cleaning products.” We have a list of all the products that we use in your home. You may request this list at any time.  We maintain the summer homes on the East End of Long Island. We would never use a cleaning product in your home that could be dangerous to you, your family, or your pets.

Cleaning Chemicals green cleaning service east hampton          cleaning chemicals green cleaning service bridgehampton

Summer homes with little children need to be properly disinfected to avoid the spreading of germs. What do you use in your home? Do you use harsh cleaning chemicals such as bleach? Anything that your family touches with their hand should be cleaned by a safe cleaning product. There is a safe way to disinfect your home without having to clear out the room.  Our glass cleaner and multi-purpose cleaner have extremely pleasant scents so your home has a fresh scent when you arrive home. Personally, I LOVE our TriBase Cleaner.  I use it for everything I possibly can! For the Green Select Degreaser Cleaner we add essential oils for scent. We have a variety of scents that we rotate throughout the year so our client’s experience different scents. For the month of December we are adding Peppermint. ‘Tis the season!

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